Free market power: how to verify the convenience of tenders, how to change operator and find the right contract

From monopoly to liberalization, a process that began in Italy in late compared to other European countries and that often proved to be long and complex, but not for the electricity sector.

This is, in fact, one of the few areas in which our country can be defined pioneer in the development of the free market: according to the estimates of '"Index of liberalization", produced by the institution Bruno Leoni, in a year, the sector has gone by an open rate of 69% to 71% (the reference is the UK market, the more open electricity market in Europe).

Since the liberalization of the sector, which began in 1999 but only completed in 2008, approximately 2 million famigliehanno already chosen to switch providers for the supply of electricity. According to the Authority for Electricity and Gas, which determines among other things, the base rates for the provision of energy, operators authorized to sell electricity to the final consumer are currently over 230.

The offer, which varies from region to region, so it is particularly extensive and varied: there are tariffs at a fixed price for a period of one or two years, and others that change according to the quarterly change of the regulated rate, flat rate-based solutions and power output or quantity of consumption.

Among the major players in the industry there are Enel, Edison, E.ON, ENI, Iris, AGSM, Bluenergy, A2A, Sorgenia Flyenergia, as well as many other operators at regional or local level. Who has not yet changed electricity supplier pays, from 1 January 2010, the regulated tariff established by the Authority (on average more than most of the market offerings). The site allows you to compare the prices charged by the various operators in major Italian cities: It is important, however, you should keep the duration of contracts, the presence of charges and procedures for measuring fuel consumption and to the rates.

All contracts for the supply of energy include the so-called "right of withdrawal" (to be exercised within 10 days of signing) and also the possibility of returning to the old supplier, abandoning the free market and then applying the rate set by the Authority.



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