Critiques at new Energy Bill

New controversy over Third Energy Bill approved in July and published in the Official Gazette. The decree, as we wrote, regulates the incentives and aids in the production of electricity from photovoltaic sources for the period 2011 to 2013 and said at the same time, the Guidelines for the authorization of renewable energy plants .

The new energy account only applies to plants that entered into service after December 31, 2010 and to increase to six classes of power, but also provides a simplification to only two types: those made on buildings and those located on the so-called " other plants. "

It is also expected to increase in the maximum of the capacity eligible to 8,000 MW in the period up to 2020 and 3,000 MW in 2011-2013. To these we can add the 300 MW incentivabili for systems integrated with innovative features and an additional 200 MW for solar concentrators.

It is also extended the deadline to apply for the grant of incentives to GSE from 60 to 90 days.

The duration of the Energy Bill remains unchanged at 20 years, as well as the trade regime in place is fixed to 200 KW.

A big problem is the large number of requests received by the installation of GSE in recent times. A number - it would seem - well above the national demand and the capacity of the distribution network. Probably this is due to the fear of a cut of the incentives that, it says, has already been fixed and will be gradual for each quarter of 2011, while between 2012 and 2013 will be 6% per annum.

"The word incentive - says Guido Bortoni, head of the Department of Energy of the Ministry of Economic Development, Energy Lab at the University of Milan Bicocca - not associated with, anyway, the provision of monetary contributions to support of initiatives which aim to promote, out of the public finances or on your energy bills of consumers. It should be quite recovered the original meaning of the term that covers any scheme or mechanism to contribute to the achievement of specific objectives. "

The same opinion is also Gianni Chianetta, president of Assosolare that Virgil Go Green said: "When, finally, the cost per kWh produced by PV system will be equal to the cost produced by a plant fossil, then we will be independent of government funding. And this scenario is not so far away. According to our studies, in fact, it might be a plausible reality in a few years already. "

In the Official Journal. 199 of 26 August last year was published the Decree of the President of the Republic July 9, 2010, n, 139 "Regulation laying down simplified procedure authorization landscaping for small scale projects, in accordance with Article 146, paragraph 9, of Legislative Decree January 22, 2004, n. 42, as amended. With the provision in question states that are subject to the simplified procedure landscape authorization, pursuant to article 146, paragraph 9, of Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, n. 42, as amended, amending the Code of the cultural heritage and landscape, the small scale projects, to be carried out on areas or buildings subject to the rules of protection of Part III of the Code, which always involve an alteration to the site or of ' external appearance of the buildings as listed in Annex I, which contains 39 tipologie.Con this Decree are streamlined a number of activities, giving head in the local administration a prior opinion on the interventions. The list of operations "minor" is contained in the annex to the Decree. Are among the small scale projects 39 types of work contained in Annex 1, as an increase in volume not exceeding 10%, demolition and reconstruction in respect of volume and shape existing demolition without reconstruction or demolition of accretions, openings of doors and windows , interventions on the external finishes, creation or modification of balconies or terraces and their closure through fixtures, construction, modification or replacement of external stairs.

Streamlined procedures for interventions on the roofs of existing buildings, installation of awnings, adaptation to the seismic creation or modification of appurtenant garages, sheds, porches, kiosks, technical volumes, fences, installation of solar panels, thermal and photovoltaic systems up to 25 square meters and removal of architectural barriers. In the case of the simplified procedure for the report landscape used to be a model sheet referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 2, which sets out the legal sources or provvedimentali the landscape framework, describes the current state of the area affected by 'intervention, is the attestation of conformity of the project to the specific conditions of use of the landscape, if any, or documented compatibility with the landscape values and are indicated any measures envisaged in landscapes. In the report, the technician shall certify, also. the conformity of the project to the discipline of urban planning and construction. The landscape authorization simplified and 'effective immediately and' valid for 5 years.

The application for authorization shall be accompanied by the simplified relationship landscapers fall a qualified technician, indicating the status of the area concerned and the compatibility with the landscape values.

The simplified authorization procedure ends with an express measure within 60 days of receipt of the application.

The administration shall make findings and assessments within 30 days. In case of unfavorable opinion, the procedure may be terminated early. In case of negative evaluation available to the interested party has 10 days to submit any further comments. If the application is rejected, you can request a ruling of the superintendent, which is expressed in 30 days. In case of a positive evaluation the competent authority within 30 days submit to the Superintendent a proposal for granting the application. If the evaluation of the superintendent is positive, the binding opinion is expressed in 25 days. If the binding opinion is not expressed in the time allowed, the administration issue the authorization within 5 days without holding the Services Conference. The Regulation is directly applicable in the ordinary statute regions. Since the provisions are relevant to the basic level of administrative services, the special statute regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano are 180 days to adopt rules to govern the useful landscaping simplified authorization procedure. The time constraints and lack of personal care supervisors, according to which the simplification of landscaping authorizations for minor surgery, which sometimes generate a significant impact, could result in cursory checks.

The decree of 20 July 2010 no. 1820/DecA/73 contains the explanatory circular on Photovoltaic Greenhouses effective, in implementation of the resolution of GR n. 25/40 of 01/07/2010 regarding "skills and procedures for the authorization of systems for the production of electricity from renewable sources. Clarifications Delib. G.R. n. 10/3 of 12/03/2010. Re-approval guidelines. " Indicate briefly the basic contents of the circular.

First mentioned in the decree are the requirements to qualify the solar greenhouse effect, which are:

1. - Status of farmer

2. - Ability adapted agricultural

3. - Lighting level equal to or higher than 75%.

It also established the competence of the Regional Agriculture Administration proceeding by which the release of the single and are indicated times and procedures to validate or recover past practices already forwarded to other administrations.



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