Comparing pension schemes: is it more convenient a life insurance policy or a pension fund?

Better a life insurance policy or pension fund: What to Choose

Almost 60% of the Italian offer individual life insurance coverage as long-term care (LTC) for the cases of supervening term care, temporary cover in case of death (Tcm), and other services in respect of accidents at work, total and permanent disability, disease Gravio of death.

All life insurance policies provide an annuity, almost all (63 of 65) an annuity reversible and most (56 of 65) an annuity certain, that is fixed over a period between 5 and 15 years or until they reach 85 years of the subscriber.

But, between life insurance and pension funds, which of the two interests? The comparison with other pension schemes shows that among the negotiating only 10% offer ancillary services such as Tcm or LTC, while 82% include guarantees of certain income in 5 or 10 years and rent controassicurata; between open-end funds only 27 % presents additional risks and covers only 5% provides ancillary services to the annuity.

It is, however, very different products: individual policies an insurance nature and arise from an individual bargaining, so they have a higher cost, while open-ended funds come from collective bargaining and negotiating that help contain costs for members.

Currently there are many who prefer to replace a fund negotiating with an individual life insurance policy, although it is not exactly convenient. Assuming a 30 year old employee who, in 2001, he chose to rely on a life insurance policy, has identified a line Prudente fund Cento Stelle Reale, Reale Mutua, which is the cheapest on the market, with a Isc (Indicator synthetic cost) to 10 years of 0.75%.

Given a starting salary of € 17,220, the worker would have ended up with contributions of € 15,682, also including severance pay. At 30 September 2010, the matured by would have amounted to € 18,972.47, with a reassessment of 20.98% in the almost ten years that have elapsed, regardless of the tax benefit.

If the boy had, however, chosen the Balanced Line, the result would have been lower, while you were insured at Comet, preferring monocomparto then existing asset allocation consists of 15% equities and 85% bonds, thanks to employer contributions, the payment of severance pay and the low cost, would today on EUR 21291.97 18348.26 paid. On a longer time horizon and higher pay the sacrifice of employer contributions may be heavier.




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