Professional Studies: the welfare

Italian professionals have gained over the decades the image of an elite class and substantially immune to the difficulties of the market and the problems of income.

This image, although still widespread, it is hopelessly out of time: the number of members of professional associations and, expanding the radius, self-employed workers do not belong to any order today oscillates around two million. A very high and growing, so that the market space are more and more restricted, especially for young people and for those who are deprived of high qualification.

For some time, both the state and the autonomous social security funds have chosen to increase the welfare interventions intended for professional firms. A completely new tool, for example, the layoffs: between instruments introduced by the various decrees crisis, there is now the possibility to request the ICJ also to employees of professional firms. This solution, yet little known, however, is gaining greater visibility, and today there are more than 5,500 employees (secretaries, clerks ...) of the studies that have been able to get the salary supplement. It should also be said that since this is a norm in derogation from ordinary laws on the IGC, it is set to expire: on December 31. We can not exclude, however, that there might be an extension.

The focus of the social security funds, however, is directed mainly to the weakest of the people of VAT: young newly qualified (with particular attention to those who work for a single client, usually a colleague said), practitioners, self-waiting to pass the state examination.

The aid provided are very varied depending on the category of professionals (cheap loans, discounts contributions, allowances ...), and should therefore refer to the single pension fund for more information.




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