Deductions company cars: new limits on deductibility

Part of the resources to finance the bill on the reform of the labor market will come from cutting the deductions for the use of company cars. E 'expected, in fact, a cut of deductions from 40% to 27.5% for cars used in business, the arts and professions.

For vehicles in use by the data promiscuous employees for most of the period of the tax deduction decreases from 90% to 70%. But not only cuts in deductions on company cars: green light to new cuts to social security institutions, in a blow for the owners of rented properties that do not apply the withholding and in particular one of the rules established to cover the bill of labor reduces from 15 to 5% discount package currently provided for those states with income tax the income from the rental of real estate.; rooms also have 2 euro per passenger, as of July 1, 2013, the municipal surcharge on the departure on airplanes.

The largest amounts received will be paid to INPS. INPS and INAIL will then have to reduce their operating costs from 2013 to 90 million total. The reductions are quantified at € 72 million per year for the INPS and 18 million annually for Inail.

The autonomous administration of the Monopoly of state will have to take additional measures to rationalize with a reduction in spending of 10 million a year from 2013. As for insurance, get a grasp on the tax deduction recognized on the national health service, equal to 10.5%, which applies Rc car insurance.

The deduction will trigger only for amounts that exceed EUR 40 (for insurance then from 402 euro). The close of 2012 is already on payments and new roofs taking from the tax period following the one in progress at the date of entry into force of this section.

A total of 1,719,000 evaluated for 2013, 2,921,000 in 2014, 2,501 in 2015 and subsequently declined to regime in later years at just over 2 billion (from 2021 to 2225 million) estimates of the value of the cost of labor reform .




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